本篇是實作常用的 AWS Kinesis Stream 服務之 Terraform 模組,並且會使用到 YAML 資料結構來定義模組的內容,完整的專案程式碼分享在我的 Github 上。
與 模組 my_cloudfront
的放置位置 modules/my_kinesis_stream
:├── configs
│ ├── cloudfront
│ │ └── distributions.yaml
│ ├── cloudwatch
│ │ └── loggroups.yaml
│ ├── iam
│ │ ├── assume_role_policies
│ │ ├── policies
│ │ ├── role_policies
│ │ ├── user_policies
│ │ └── iam.yaml
│ ├── kinesis
│ │ └── streams.yaml
│ ├── s3
│ │ ├── policies
│ │ └── s3.yaml
│ ├── subnet
│ │ └── my-subnets.yaml
│ └── vpc
│ └── my-vpcs.yaml
├── example.tfvars
├── locals.tf
├── main.tf
├── modules
│ ├── my_cloudfront
│ ├── my_cloudwatch
│ ├── my_eips
│ ├── my_eventbridge
│ ├── my_iam
│ ├── my_igw
│ ├── my_instances
│ ├── my_kinesis_stream
│ │ ├── kinesis_stream.tf
│ │ ├── outputs.tf
│ │ ├── provider.tf
│ │ └── variables.tf
│ ├── my_nacls
│ ├── my_route_tables
│ ├── my_s3
│ ├── my_subnets
│ └── my_vpc
└── variables.tf
內容來定義 AWS Kinesis Stream 需要用建立的資源:streams:
- name: "<STREAM_NAME>"
encryption_type: <"NONE" or >
retention_period: <RETENTION_PERIOD>
shard_count: <SHARD_COUNT>
enforce_consumer_deletion: <true or false>
:output "streams" {
value = aws_kinesis_stream.streams
:provider "aws" {
region = var.aws_region
profile = var.aws_profile
:variable "aws_region" {
description = "AWS region"
default = "ap-northeast-1"
variable "aws_profile" {
description = "AWS profile"
default = ""
variable "project_name" {
type = string
description = "Project name"
default = ""
variable "department_name" {
type = string
description = "Department name"
default = "SRE"
variable "stream_path" {
type = string
description = "The path of streams"
default = ""
:resource "aws_kinesis_stream" "streams" {
for_each = { for r in local.streams : r.name => r }
encryption_type = each.value.encryption_type
kms_key_id = lookup(each.value, "kms_key_id", null)
name = each.value.name
retention_period = each.value.retention_period
shard_count = each.value.shard_count
enforce_consumer_deletion = lookup(each.value, "enforce_consumer_deletion", null)
:terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
version = "5.15.0"
backend "s3" {
bucket = "<YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME>"
dynamodb_table = "<YOUR_DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME>"
key = "terraform.tfstate"
region = "ap-northeast-1"
shared_credentials_file = "~/.aws/config"
profile = "<YOUR_PROFILE>"
# kinesis stream
module "kinesis_stream" {
aws_profile = var.aws_profile
aws_region = var.aws_region
department_name = var.department_name
project_name = var.project_name
stream_path = "./configs/kinesis/streams.yaml"
source = "./modules/my_kinesis_stream"
- name: my-stream
encryption_type: NONE
retention_period: 24
shard_count: 1
enforce_consumer_deletion: false
terraform init && terraform plan --out .plan -var-file=example.tfvars
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
+ create
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# module.kinesis_stream.aws_kinesis_stream.streams["my-stream"] will be created
+ resource "aws_kinesis_stream" "streams" {
+ arn = (known after apply)
+ encryption_type = "NONE"
+ enforce_consumer_deletion = false
+ id = (known after apply)
+ name = "my-stream"
+ retention_period = 24
+ shard_count = 1
+ tags_all = (known after apply)
Plan: 48 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Saved the plan to: .plan
To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
terraform apply ".plan"
Releasing state lock. This may take a few moments...
下一篇文章將會展示實作 AWS KMS 之 Terraform 模組。